Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Here is what official ORTHO EVRA F.A.Q. says:

Are there any risks associated with ORTHO EVRA?

Serious as well as minor side effects have been reported with the use of the Patch. Serious risks, which can be life threatening, include blood clots, stroke and heart attacks and are increased if you smoke cigarettes. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of serious cardiovascular side effects, especially if you are over 35. Women who use the Patch are strongly advised not to smoke.

Some women should not use the Patch, including women who have blood clots, certain cancers, a history of heart attack or stroke, as well as those who are or may be pregnant.

Hormones from patches applied to the skin get into the blood stream and are removed from the body differently than hormones from birth control pills taken by mouth. You will be exposed to about 60% more estrogen if you use ORTHO EVRA than if you use a typical birth control pill containing 35 micrograms (mcg) of estrogen.

In general, increased estrogen exposure may increase the risk of side effects. The risk of venous thromboembolic disease (blood clots in the legs and/or the lungs) may be increased with ORTHO EVRA compared with that of a birth control pill containing norgestimate and 35 mcg of estrogen. One study found a doubling of this risk and another study found no increased risk.

You should discuss with your healthcare professional whether ORTHO EVRA is a good method of contraception for you. The Patch does not protect against HIV or sexually transmitted diseases.